The BC Community Social Services Awards of Excellence recognize the best in BC’s community social services sector. The awards are presented each October in the following categories:

The Rising Star Award recognizes an individual with less than five years’ experience in the community social services sector who demonstrates great achievements, accomplishments, early success, commitment, and promise as a future leader in the social services sector. This trailblazer “lights the community on fire.”

The Leader Award recognizes an individual in a leadership role who mentors a team in order to achieve a common goal. As a top model for others to follow, this individual brings fresh ideas and/or superior problem-solving skills to the community social services sector, creating positive and lasting change..

The Hero Award recognizes someone who goes the extra mile to make a difference in community social services; for example, this individual may have spearheaded an important initiative or launched an influential program or campaign. This individual is not necessarily in a formal leadership role, but he/she makes a difference by exuding passion, dedication and enthusiasm. This is someone all staff can look to for inspiration.

The Legend Award recognizes an executive director or CEO with 15 or more years of experience in the community social services sector. The individual has demonstrated a sustained level of high performance, served as a mentor and an inspiration to colleagues and has made extraordinary contributions to the community and the sector.
Award recipients receive:
- An award of recognition
- $100 donation in his or her name to a charity of the winner’s choice
- A gift donated by TELUS
- Recognition at the Awards Luncheon in October
- Recognition in the CSSEA News
- A copy of the video vignette produced to showcase the winner and his or her work
- Travel and accommodation for the winner and a guest to the Awards Luncheon in October